Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Money Has Lost Its Value

Lately Americans have watched the value of the dollar drop. Some are worried, some don’t even know what that means in terms to every day life. One thing is clear: you can’t buy as much as you use to with that one dollar bill.
But I here the word of the Lord telling me that not just the American dollar but money as a whole has lost its value. From the creator of the universe, the one who speaks from heaven allowing and disallowing, ascribing and creating I hear that the stock on money will not go up but will continue to dwindle in His eyes.
What does this mean? Well, it means that our needs can not be met with money anymore. The days of asking or getting money from God are like begging for crumbs from the table; it will not satisfy or fill you up.
But what about our bills, food, clothes, our mortgage…in this life we need money, right??? Well, we use too. But now there is something that carries way more value than money right now. Standing in the presence and council of God. Prayer.
I’m not talking about that ritual prayer you pray before you eat or the one you say when you're begging. I’m not talking about that kind of praying. I’m talking about the kind of praying where you tell God exactly what you’re thinking and you wait to hear exactly what He’s thinking and you don’t stop or leave until you forget what you were thinking and can only remember what He was thinking.
That kind of praying is valuable.
Are you hungry? Because God can rain food down from heaven. Do you owe bills? Cause the payment can be found in a fishes mouth. Do you need clothes? Find the one who dressed the daylily’s in my mothers yard with splendor. Are you getting put out of your home? He has already gone before you to prepare a place for you.
Some of my friends who still have a savings and investments can detect a spirit of entitlement (the somebody owes me). And some of my friends who live in the clutches of poverty detect materialistic (greedy) spirits very clearly. Its easier to see the mote in our brothers eye. But money shouldn’t play a role in the way we see each other at all. Because money has very little value. So why fall in either ditch. Don’t strive to hold on to it. Don’t strive to obtain it. Don’t apply value to an invaluable object.
When someone finds out they have cancer, money won’t heal it. When you find out your spouse, your best friend, the one you committed your life too and had your children with is cheating, money won’t pay the pain away. When a persons child has been missing for 3 days they don’t hit their bank account, they hit their knees.
The most needed things in life money can’t buy, we can only get it from entering the council of God.
Start practicing now. You don’t want to wait til the crisis comes and can’t get an appointment. Two things are very needful and more valuable than money right now.
One: Knowing how to reach the heart of God in prayer. Two: And knowing people who know how to reach the heart of God in prayer.

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